3 Amazing Japanese Dishes That You Should Try Before You Die

by | Jan 21, 2020 | Restaurants

Maybe you’re exploring the art and culture of Japan. Maybe you just really love sushi, so you’re looking for a good sushi buffet in Gulfport, MS, that offers all of the fixings. Whatever the reasons for your interest in Japanese cuisine, here are just three dishes that will delight you.

1. Tempura

There are many types of tempura, including shrimp, crab, chicken, squid and vegetable. It’s basically deep-fried food that’s prepared with a light, special kind of batter. It’s familiar enough to be comforting, but its exotic ingredients will make it a fun and memorable dish.

2. Sashimi

If you like the raw nature of sushi, this is another snack that will satisfy the same cravings. Sashimi is a delicacy made with thin, beautifully-presented slices of raw seafood. It can be also describe other meat that’s prepared in the same way, but seafood is the most common. It’s typically served with soy sauce for dipping.

3. Gyoza

Gyoza are Japanese-style dumplings. Their main ingredient is pork, but they can also be stuffed with veggies, herbs and spices to give them an extra kick. You’ll usually find them on the appetizer menu, but they can make a satisfying meal in their own right, especially if the restaurant serves big portions!

These are just a few mouthwatering Japanese dishes that you’ll want to try at least once in your life. We offer them all at osakasushims.com, so stop by when you’re feeling hungry! We’re one of the best choices for a sushi buffet in Gulfport, MS.

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