Houston Saturday Brunch: Start Your Tradition

by | Mar 7, 2016 | Hotels

The work week is over and what better way to start the weekend off than with a Houston Saturday brunch? Life can be so hectic. Maintaining friendships can be difficult when all you do is stay connected through social media. Family responsibilities, work, and other commitments can make it hard to meet up, but Saturdays you can always set aside a little time to reconnect. Start a tradition with your friends of a Saturday brunch date once a month or even a couple of times a month. Brunch is a great casual meal to chat over and catch up.  You can put life on hold for an hour or two while you enjoy a meal and remember why you are friends.  Don’t forget about family! Sundays may be committed to your immediate family, so spend Saturday brunch with family members that you do not see every day.

Why Brunch?

Brunch is the perfect time to meet with friends and family because:

  *  It is not too early
  *  It is not too late in the day
  *  It is a casual relaxed meal

If you’re a parent you know how difficult it can be to get out of the house in the early morning hours to sneak off for a meal with friends. If you are not a parent and work all week, who wants to have to get up early on a Saturday morning? Brunch is a perfectly situated meal time. It is the “in-between” of breakfast and lunch.  Brunch is more casual than dinner which makes it a great time to sit, relax and really enjoy the company you are in.  it is a great way to catch up with old friends and even meet some new ones.  Brunch time makes a great date time!  Instead of meeting up with a new interest for dinner which can feel a little pressured, meet for brunch and enjoy the easy to get to know you time. Enjoy a meal with your family that will be memorable. Start a tradition with your extended family of a monthly brunch date to reconnect. Keep the relationships in your life that are important (or new) alive by pumping some life into them over a well prepared meal in a lovely atmosphere. Saturday brunch will give you the perfect opportunity to reconnect.

Mia Bell Trattoria serves an exquisite menu if you want a Houston Saturday brunch. Slow down, reconnect and enjoy a meal with the people that matter to you over a delicious meal. To know more information visit website.

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