Chill Out this Summer in Ashville Swimming Spots

by | Jun 27, 2017 | Hotels

As the temperature increases, enjoying the outside in western NC may become challenging without some place to relax and cool down. Thankfully, there are many water bodies to take a much-needed dip, should you grow overheated.

Sliding Rock

Situated inside the amazing Pisgah Forest, Sliding Rock is the natural water park. This 60’ smooth rock will lead to an 8’ swimming hole, and make the ideal slide. This time of year may be hectic; therefore, get ready for a wait during the weekends. You might slide anytime within the daytime, and a lifeguard is around from 10 to 6AM. Within that time, admission is $2. It’s suggested that if you take a plunge, you do so with old shoes and clothes.

Hooker Falls

Situated inside Dupont State Forest, Hooker falls includes a 12’ waterfall that has a lot of room to swim below and float. It’s 1 of 4 waterfalls within the area, yet the only one that is advisable to swim in because of its slow current. It’ll result in a laid-back space ideal for cooling off your entire family. You may people-watch from an above observation deck if taking a swim isn’t your thing. Admission is complimentary, and at the parking area, there are porta-johns.

Skinny Dip Falls

Off the Blue Ridge Parkway, at milepost 417, lies a concealed area ideal for relaxing underneath a small fall. It’s a low-key choice; however, even this tucked-away hole may grow busy within the summer seasons. There’s a jump off rock leading to a 6’ pool; however, no lifeguard on duty; therefore, use caution. Free admission.

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